Catheter Care

Catheter Care

Use the following catheter care tips if your urologist has placed a urinary catheter:

  1. Continue to monitor your urine. Frequently check urine output, color, and consistency. Small amounts of blood or small blood clots are usually normal. If bleeding becomes excessive (bright red bleeding or large blood clots), call your physician immediately.
  2. Always keep the urine bag lower than the level of your bladder to allow for proper urine drainage.
  3. You should drink at least 8 ounces of water every hour while awake. If no urine output is seen in your urine bag for an hour and you feel the need to urinate, a blockage of the tube may be present. First, check the tube for kinks. If the flow of urine does not improve, call your physician.
  4. Keep the catheter secure at all times. Tape is the best way to secure the catheter. If the catheter is
    accidentally pulled out, call your physician immediately.
  5. Never remove your catheter unless indicated by your physician.
  6. Certain medication may change the color of your urine. Example, Pyridium will turn urine orange and Urelle will turn urine blue.
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